Re-Energized and Ready

Re-Energized and Ready

Recently, we've hit a brick wall when it comes to marketing strategies. We felt discouraged and close to losing our marbles. We decided to focus on custom orders and took a step back from reaching out to folks. But like always, God meets us in the darkness and shows great mercy on us. We are re-energized and ready to tackle the endless checklist that comes with maintaining a small business.

We have thrived on word-of-mouth from our satisfied customers, and we thank everyone that has shared about us! We typically spend every summer traveling to different shows to meet y'all face-to-face, however, we won't get to do much of that this summer due to a large volume in custom orders. So, we have to lean into online methods of meeting new people! Technology is great tool to use, but nothing beats that in-person relationship that builds trust!

We hope you reach out to us this summer! We look forward to working with you! Have a great day!

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